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Genesis Sermon Series

Genesis Sermon Series

PastorsMannahouse ResourcePreachingResourceLeadershipBibleBiblical StudiesSunday ServiceWeekend Service

Genesis is where we first meet God in the Bible—first learn about His power, His love, and His purpose. It’s where we discover how the world came to be the way it is now—not only the physical world but the angelic world and social world of humans. It is where we first discover how the human race fell into sin, and how God set in motion his plan to redeem us. All the major themes introduced here are woven throughout the rest of Scripture and come to a crescendo in the Book of Revelation. As we explore Genesis, we will be inspired and convicted by the stories of men and women that God used despite their brokenness. And we will constantly be called to abandon our feeble attempts to earn God’s blessings by our own strength and to simply trust in God and his faithfulness to his promises.

Series Scripture: Genesis 3:15

Used by Mannahouse: 06/04/23 - 09/03/23



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