Resources :: Sermons

Peacemakers Sermon Series

Peacemakers Sermon Series

LeadershipMannahouse ResourceResourcePastorsPreaching

We live in a world filled with division and strife. This unfortunate tension permeates all aspects of our society including those relationships that are closest to us. Reality is; if you have relationships, you will have conflict. Living in peace and harmony is a challenge for us all.
Although this may seem to be an impossible goal, the Bible gives us clear guidelines of how we can not only live in peace but follow the example of the Peace-giver; Jesus and become peacemakers who resolve conflict and bring peace. This very practical relationship series is based off the materials presented by Ken Sande in his book, “The Peace Maker” and will equip us as we apply biblical guidance for conflict resolution that will help all of us on our journey to
build healthy, harmonious, relationships with all those who surround us.

Series Scriptures: Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18 

Used by Mannahouse 02/03/19 - 02/24/19


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