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Irresistible Christianity Training Seminar

Irresistible Christianity Training Seminar

Marc EstesTrainingLeadershipEvangelismMannahouse Resource

These notes are based on Marc Estes’ book “Irresistible Christianity” and can be used to host a training seminar on evangelism. 

We are living in a very crucial time in our culture, and we need to view every person as someone in need of the saving knowledge of Jesus. It’s up to us to show them the irresistible love of Christ. This is both God’s will and desire for your life. There is a desperate need for those who will fulfill this call today! The Gospel is pure and simple, “For God SO LOVED.... people.” His love for people is the compelling force that holds the universe together. 

This irresistible love was Christ’s mission and purpose.  He came to, “seek and save the lost.” People were compelled to follow Him - He was irresistible. Everywhere He went, multitudes followed. He became friends with tax collectors, prostitutes, and heathens. He loved people everywhere he went. It was His love that made Him contagious. The same Spirit that dwelt in Christ dwells in you. You are to be the Irresistible force to a world in need of Him. It is the reason you exist. It is the reason you are here. 

Irresistible Christianity Handbook:

*Disclaimer: This is an older resource not currently in use at Mannahouse


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